25 oktober 2011

Tattoo Convention Eindhoven Rocked!

Hey y'all! It's been a while since the last post, but your patience will be awarded! After one hell of a weekend i look back at a really good convention, met some interesting people, and sold some swag!

Big thanks for Jaap Broeders www.jaapbroeders.nl for an impression of a weekend in the Mad Monkey booth!

 The Candy...
 The Swag...
 Laying down the line...
 Jesus, what is he thinking!?
 There is a photographer working without a Sun Shade!
 Some close contact with the homeboy on Sundaymorning
 Another satisfied customer!
Some craziness about an old dead dude ;)

Here it is for now, more pics will follow!

Newsflash! The invitation for the Rotterdam Tattoo Convention is accepted!
Hope to see you there, or another event i'm attending to.
I'll keep you posted!

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